About the TACIR Infrastructure Survey

The Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR) was created in July 1978 by Chapter 939 of the Public Acts of 1978. TACIR was created in response to legislative findings in the late 1970s indicating the need for a permanent intergovernmental body to study and take action on questions of organizational patterns, powers, functions, and relationships among federal, state, and local governments.
In order to accurately portray the infrastructure needs across Tennessee to the General Assembly, the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (TACIR) developed the Infrastructure Needs Inventory. TACIR has partnered with the nine development districts across the state to gather this information. SCTDD staff conduct interviews with local and state agencies each year to compile an inventory of governmental and school system infrastructure needs. TACIR staff analyze the data and prepare an annual report for the General Assembly which assists in their budgeting process. Each project listed on the inventory is either in the conceptual, planning, and design or construction phase.
The TACIR inventory process proves beneficial not only to the state of Tennessee and the general assembly, but to the local communities. The process involves a variety of local leaders including but not limited to school superintendents, road superintendents, elected officials and public works directors. TACIR provides an avenue for long-range planning across the region and close to home.
For additional information on the TACIR Survey or report, please contact Lisa Cross, RPO/Infrastructure Director at 931-379-2915 or lcross@sctdd.org.