Mule Town Trolley Notice
Starting Tuesday, September 3rd, the Trolley Service will relocate the Social Security pick-up location to Shady Brook Plaza. This change will assist community veterans in reaching Operation Stand Down, which has an office a Shady Brook Plaza.
THDA Caper Public Notice
Please be advised of the following:
Enclosed, you will find the latest CAPER public notices in both English and Spanish. The CAPER serves to document the progress and achievements made in pursuit of Tennessee’s Consolidated Planning goals for the year.
The CAPER public comment period is scheduled to occur from August 30th to September 17th, 2024.
Statewide Bicycle Transportation Network Survey
This survey went live today at 12 noon CST July 18th, with a closing time of 5:00p.m. CST on July 29th. We hope to gather input only from local agencies and officials (MPO, RPO, city and county mayors, and possibly local GIS staff) to best design bicycle routes within their communities. We have already gathered input from the public through the 2021 Statewide Active Transportation Plan and will therefore not ask for broader public input.
As part of the 2021 Statewide Active Transportation Plan, the TDOT Multimodal Planning Office is looking to update the decade-old Statewide Bicycle Transportation Network. Through comments and suggestions made in the creation of the 2021 SATP, an initial framework has been made for the new bicycle network. This network will prioritize connections within communities (i.e. grocery, school, work, etc.) that are safe for the context. Initially, routes will be designated along state routes and comments on future connections to local roads and pathways are encouraged to be submitted to us for further development of the network. The Bicycle Route Recommendations Survey is an opportunity to build upon the information already collected from the SATP and specify the best design for the updated network. In order to create the initial routes, Multimodal Planning requests input from local officials and organizations. These local officials are encouraged to consult with their local bicycle advocacy organizations to best inform the bicycle network. This input is invaluable to ensure that TDOT collaborates with and best serves communities across Tennessee.
Link to Live Survey: